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Learn from the handpicked and perfectly trained educators

It takes more than just subject matter expertise to be a teacher to visually impaired students. Courage and a big heart are two of the requirements; and we are proud our teachers possess these values and skills.


Our craft teacher helps students develop their fine motor skills and promotes creativity based innovations.


Our dieticians play a key role in influencing nutrition daily through meal service for students based on what is best for them.


Our residential and visiting healthcare professionals work round the clock to assess physical and psychological development of students.


Our music classes have been well known for teaching students to share, reason, create, collaborate and begin new friendships, apart from producing great music.


Sports teachers have helped our students to build endurance, increase mental strength and develop holistically.


Our art teacher helps students to communicate through artistic expressions and develop different points of view.


Our trainers help students to build self-confidence, be patient, practice communicating with others and follow instructions.

Team Building

Our team building facilitators train students to become better problem solvers, develop stronger relationships and build trust with fellow students.

Cultural Activity

Our teachers help students to build leadership, organizational and interpersonal skills through various cultural activities.